In the year 2009, the time when GSS was planning the intervention in this tribal area of Mandali, almost all the people were dependent solely on labour work. Due to the scarcity of water and low soil depth, the condition of agriculture and livestock were very poor. Farmers used to grow only a single crop in a season and nothing else. Livestock conditions were also not in a good shape. Before our intervention, the village was totally deprived of cash crop cultivation, fruit orchards and the average production was low. After interacting with the community and with support of NABARD, in year 2010, a DPR was prepared for the overall development with main focus on conservation of natural resource. Apart from NABARD, we also took the support of various agencies for the development of the tribes.
Area Development

It covered treatments for converting degraded agricultural lands and wastelands into productive and high-yielding lands. Field bunds are constructed across the slope to control soil erosion and in situ conservation of rainfall. Outlets are provided for safe disposal of excess water. The benefit received through these structures in the village is that it conserves soil, allows runoff to flow from the fields with non-erosive velocities, make runoff water to trickle rather than to rush out and proper stone outlets resists bunds from breaching.
Pasture Land Development

We have taken 335 ha for pasture land development system by fast growing, drought resistant and nutrient rich grasses by making pellets with fertile soil and broad spreading in the waste land and that pasture land is treated with the mechanical measure like Continuous contour trench, Gully plugging, contour stone bund thus increasing the moisture content in the land and thereby effect the growth of the vegetation and grasses. Out of total area, around 60 ha is intended for the protected pasture and 30 ha of area is for silvi pasture.
Agriculture Development

For the agricultural development in the village, we started some initiatives like Farm field School for the capacity building and training of farmers. Other initiatives were Meadow cultivation, ber budding, cash crop cultivation, vermicompost units installation, micro irrigation system and azolla cultivation.
Livestock Management

A Goat User Community (GUG) was formed at Mandali out of which 1 Community Livestock Manager (CLM) and 3 Pashusakhi (Local animal husbandry) were been identified and training was given by The Goat Trust of India – Luckhnow to facilitate the basic medical treatment at village level. A couple of goatry units and direct programme were introduced in the village as a part of capacity building of the livestock rearers of Mandali watershed, enhance the livelihood of tribal community through livestock management.
Social Development

For the social development of the villagers , some committees are formed like “Mandali Jalgrahan Vikas Samiti” comprising of 8 women SHGs, 2 farmers club and 1 Village Watershed Committee (VWC)
Women Empowerment

The project has consciously mainstreamed gender and empowerment processes for women in all the project activities. Special needs and roles of both women and men are addressed during all stages of project cycle management.
The major outcomes are:
- 8 women SHGs formed and strengthened.
- Bank linkages and loaning of 5 SHGs.
- Women Federation formation.
- GSS facilitates capacity building initiatives and specialized structured trainings on book keeping & kitchen gardening